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Hawaii Diving and Snorkeling Books

Let's Go Hawaii - The Resource for the Independent Traveler For over forty years.  Let's Go Travel Guides have brought budget savvy travelers closer to the world and its diverse cultures by providing the most up-to-date information.

Hawaii Big Island Guide Books
Check out our other Big Island Hawaii Books
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Hawaiian Island Books


Snorkel Big Island

Snorkel Kauai

Snorkel Maui and Lanai

Big Island Beaches
Exploring Hanauma Bay
Beautiful full color guide to what you will see while walking around, and swimming in Hanauma Bay. Page after page of quality photographs of the wildlife living within. Suggests several tours for walking, and various snorkeling and scuba abilities. All with appropriate safety cautions sprinkled throughout.
Diving Hawaii
Once again we have an excellent combination of Author and Publisher who have collaborated to provide an invaluable guide book for any diver contemplating a trip to Hawaii. "Diving Hawaii" is another Scuba Diving guide book in the medium size format favored by Aqua Quest.
Diving and Snorkeling Hawaii
Lots of vivid pictures. Fantastic advice about what types of things NOT to touch too!! Kept us out of trouble more than once. They listed several of the sites that the local dive shops mentioned as well. You have to know they are good that way! Nice to have a guide for which are shore access and which require a boat trip too.
Snorkel Bob's Guide to Hawaii
The information given is right on the money! Blunt and to the point about what to see and what to avoid, Snorkel Bob also gives detailed information about all the beaches on the islands - which are best for swimming, snorkeling, diving, children as well as what time of year to go to each beach and what amenities are available at each. A real time saver!

Going to the Oahu, Maui, or Kauai? Check out our other Hawaiian Island Books

We are committed to providing you a truly unique Hawaiian shopping experience. As the world's largest manufacturer of Hawaiian and Island lifestyle products, we can offer tremendous value pricing on the largest selection, backed by friendly customer service and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 


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